Hielke Interview

Hielke Interview

1. Can you introduce yourself?
Hielke, from the Netherlands. To be specific from the countryside. The village of Tubbergen in the Region Twente. Born in Oktober 1986.

2. What is your primary sport focus?
I used to ride Mountainbike. From 2012 to 2018 I chased the dream of getting the best out of myself on my Mountainbike. From 2016 to 2018 I raced on a professional level in the mtb marathon scene.
Since I moved to Davos in 2017, in the Swiss alps I got into all different kind of mountain sports. I started climbing, mountaineering and in winter time we have plenty of snow to go skiing. I prefer to go in the back country. The main focus now is paragliding. I started two years ago and I really love it. I Mostly go for a hike and fly. That really is my new passion. The ultimate goal I to combine mountaineering and flying.

3. Do you have other hobbies/passions?
Ski mountaineering, climbing and cross-country skiing.

4. What is your favorite color? and animal?
Turquoise green/blue and purple.
I love the animal world. If I have to pick one I’d spontaneously say lions.
I plan to get a dog though. I really love vizsla’s :-).

5. Tell us more about your journey into Riding?
Since I moved to Davos in 2017, in the Swiss alps I got into all different kind of mountain sports. I started climbing, mountaineering and in winter time we have plenty of snow to go skiing. I prefer to go in the back country. The main focus now is paragliding. I started two years ago and I really love it. I Mostly go for a hike and fly. That really is my new passion. The ultimate goal I to combine mountaineering and flying.

6. What are some of your rituals?
I’ll check the weather apps. Such as wind values, the local ant global forecasts, etc. Depending from what I am up too. In winter it’s more about the avalanche danger and the snow forecasts.
Then what can be seen as a ritual is my breakfast. I like to mix my cereals with fruits and to drink a fresh coffee.
After a ride, I take a cold shower. During working days I like to shower cold right after getting up.

I don‘t do Yoga, or a lot of stretching. I like to do exercises where there are nice fluid movements. I kind of mobilize my joints in circles, in every possible position. Movements should feel good and do good to our body. I Also do strength/power training at least once a week. Main focus on legs, core and shoulders.

I love the diversity of our seasons: in winter the fresh snow…Powder downhills on skis after a nice and lonely uphill with skins. Autumn might be my favorite. The earth is getting ready for winter. Trees getting orange yellow and high above the first snow makes a beautiful contrast. In the summer I love to go ride my bike again. And the last few years this is the time of year where flying is so cool too.
As far as diet goes, I’m a vegetarian. I need at least 8 hours of sleep. But I prefer 9!

7. Where do you run or ride most often?
At home in the mountains in Davos, Switzerland

8. What (training or sport) goals do you have for your near-term future?
I hope to stay healthy and to feel fit and strong. I want to develop my pilot/flying Skills. And of course to experience a lot of nice adventures everywhere it’s nice :-)

9. Does your focus on marathon training allow you to run or ride in nature?
I have no specific focus on training like I used to have when I was racing bikes professionally…
I listen to my body. I get around 3-5 times/week of ‘training’ in. I measure my heart rate and track rides and hikes for Strava. Not so much for the performance, more as a diary for activities.

10. Tell us more about your experience with the Sola and Terra models?
I mainly wear the Sola. I really love them. The light in the mountains can be quite bright. Whether it’s the intense sun in summer or the reflecting snow in winter. I wear them in daily life and of course during every sport activity I can think of. Flying, skiing, hiking, cycling. When it’s cloudy or when I am mountain biking in the forest I switch to the Terra.
Since I wear VINCO I have less problems with getting dry eyes. I wear contacts. I can really tell that they are protecting my eyes really well. The shape fits my face well, so that I don’t have wind in my eyes.

11. What makes a Vinco product unique for you in terms of usability?
Of course the design. It’s different and very stylish and unique. And then of course it’s superb performance. Great sight, durable, super light, they fit very well, you can hardly notice wearing them. I can tell. I’ve tested them for almost five years now. And…I cannot explain this well, but I feel cool wearing them ;-)

12. How does planet sustainability influence your daily life?
I am pretty worried about which direction our planet is changing. In the alps it’s obvious and clear to see how fast this process is going. Probably everywhere else too. I am not eating meat, I try to make my footprint smaller by flying as less as possible. I try to reuse things and when buying new, I prefer items from companies who think about our planet.

13. Do you think companies should employ tactics and policies to reduce their impacts?
Of course. Every change starts with ourselves. Also with the people owning companies.
We cannot point at others, but we have to act if we want to make change. You, me, everyone.

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